The traditional celebrations begin in January with firework displays celebrating Saint Anthony; and in February, there are the carnivals where every village has its own special event and masks.The most exciting and not to be missed event are the horse shows, called “Pariglia” during the Sartiglia in Oristano where agile and acrobat horsemen race for the star; the dance of the ancient Mamuthones in Mamoiada and Merdules in Ottana, as well as the festivals in Bosa and the Tempio Pausania.
Of course, Easter is the passion of the Holy Week where important rituals take place, the most famous being in Aggius, Alghero, Castelsardo, Iglesias and Oliena and of course Cagliari.
May is the Celebration of Saint Ephysius which is highly important because it brings together the entire island.
Finally, in July/August, no visitor should miss the Ardia di Sedilo horse race.
Following this is the celebrations of Saint Francis in Lula and Saint Simplicio in Olbia. The closing event is the Cavalcata Sarda (Sardinian Cavalcade), dating back to the end of the 19th century. This enchanting event includes hundreds of horsemen and horsewomen and thousands of islanders in costume, parading through Sassari.
There is also a dancing procession the day before the Ferragosto holiday, which has remained the same for 5 centuries called the Discesa dei Candelieri (Descent of the candlesticks) in Sassari. The Descent Of The Candlesticks: A UNESCO Intangible Heritage 2016.
At the end of the month, there is the Sagra del Redentore (Celebration of the Redeemer) in Nuoro, which is a combination of devotion and tradition. None of these events should be missed and each one will leave you with a deep sense of culture, history and mysticism.
Source: Festa del Redentore www.facebook.com/festaredentore/
“Abba et sole, trigu a muntone,subta sa cappa de nostru Segnore”
Rain and sun, wheat in quantity, under the protection of our Lord