Sa Chida Santa:
Influenced by the Middle Ages, Nuragic Paganism and the Spanish, are the archaic Campidanian, Logudorenian and Barbagian traditions. During Holy week, you can discover some of these sacred rituals that revolve around the Passion of Christ.
It starts on Good Friday, before Palm Sunday with the Addolorata Procession and ends at Easter with the Encontre. During the Disclavament (deposition), the ‘body’ of Christ is carried on His deathbed and when the sun sets, the town becomes lit with torches and lanterns covered in red veils displaying the beliefs of the faithful.
Then in Desulo, the women wear red costumes, and at Santu Lussurgiu, during the celebration of su Nazarenu, the via crucis (stations of the cross) is accompanied by chanted novenas. At Castelsardo the most heartfelt event is the Lunissanti. Processions will last all day and are often accompanied by melodious and meditative chanting (tasgja).
The brotherhoods will then re-enact the passion and death of Christ. Towns such as: Aidomaggiore, Bortigali, Planargia, and Montiferru, are known for their powerful processions portraying the Mysteries of Christ. But perhaps most emotional is the tradition in Sassari when the brotherhood accompanies five statues which allegedly date back to 1685.
In Cuglieri there is an emotional event in which the women sing the gosos to commemorate the mourning of the Madonna. Saturday is devoted to the adoration of Jesus and the Cross, awaiting the s’Incontru.
Easter is the day of Resurrection and celebration in every town such as Baronie, Galtellì, Orosei, Nuoro, Oliena and Sarule. In fact, many of these Easter traditions date back to the XVII century.
The celebrations can also be seen in churches in Cagliari and on the Wednesday, the sisters of the Most Holy Cross, get Christ ready for s’Incravamentu (crucifixion). This is followed on Thursday with the procession of the simulacrum of Saint Efisio and the funerary procession to the Cathedral of Santa Maria. Chenapura Santa (Friday) is dedicated to the mystery of the Cross where the Germani walk up to the Costera quarter, re-enacting the suffering of the ascent. The evening is filled once more with torches for the Iscravamentu and Descenso.
Sas disgratias si afferrant cum sa fortalesa, et si binchent cum sa patientia
Misfortunes are fought with fortitude, and are won with patience.