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The Mamuthones is the symbol of Mamoiana’s identity. They have been in Mamoiada as long as anyone remembers. This ancient ritual is lost in the mists of time and we preserve this tradition.

       January 17th, St. Anthony’s feast day, Mamoiada’s Patron, importance for men in the village. This is the day of the first outing (sa prima issida).

               After lunch, typical Sardinian clothing is worn: su billudu (velvet trousers), sa hamisa (button down shirt), su bonette (a hat), su muccadore (a cloth tissue used to coverthe head) and sos husinzos (shoes originally worn by shepherds). Waiting for the sunset, an intense dedicated atmosphere. 

                   Simultaneously, other men wear sas carzas (white trousers), su curittu (red suit vest), sos husinzos (leather boots), sa berritta (traditional Sardinian hat) tied with a coloured cloth tissue and s’isalle (typical Sardinian embroidered shawl). First groups wear sa visera (black mask).

Second groups wear shoulder sonajolos (leather belt with cowbells) and sa soha (rope). They head to link their fates: the place of the dressing. First are the Mamuthones, pused by the Issohadores.

       The dressing phase, men wearing velvet clothes take black sheepskin and cowbells: arranging the six belts with the cowbells accordingly (biggest to smallest), creating sa carriga (a heavy load), to be placed on the back.

They wear the black sheepskin and the Issohadores will assist the wearing of the heavy carriga. They wear the black mask, hat and cover the head with the cloth tissue, tied under the chin.

             They are ready now…

        The Mamuthones form two parallel lines. Issohadores position in front and behind of the lines, excluding su guidadore (the leader). He is in front of the Mamuthones, the middle of the lines: he decides steps, when they go or stop.

Su guidadore stretches his arms, verifying if the Mamuthones are ready, and they start. They start to jump: the Issohadores take small steps, they untie the rope and they throw it into the crowd, trying to catch women and girls, as a sign of good luck. The Mamuthones focus their attention on the leader, doing what he orders.

               The parade contains ritual movements: they jump intro (inward) and fora (outward), moving forward with ancient steps. During steps, the leader raises his hand to signal. Outward and inward jumps are repeated twice. After the jumps sa doppia (double) is performed, making three jumps.

              They take a break and start again with the ritual: the jumps continue while waiting for the next signal by the leader. The last step is unique: hand up and opens his arms, followed by the last jumps (outwards, inwards and sa doppia). The ritual parade finishes.

From Father to Son

The rhythm of the parade is measured, powerful.

(Source: Associazione culturale Atzeni, Mamoiada)  

S’amigu si biri candu c’est abbisongiu

(The friend sees himself in need)
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